Monday, June 1, 2015

Online English lessons

Dear friends,

One day I have decided to improve my English.

English is my third language after Russian and Hebrew.

I have good confidence in speaking, although I make a lot of grammar mistakes

However I experience some difficulties in understanding Native speakers by phone ( during endless conference calls ) and I wish to see TV in English and understand everything

I have started from visiting several companies in Tel Aviv.
These companies promised to significantly improve my English for $2-3k in a half a year.

I didn't like the idea to pay the whole sum in advance and wasn't sure I can spend 4-5 hours a week for these courses for a long time.

I am married, almost 40 years old, with 2 kids a lot of work  and some business travel.
Add to this 2-3 vacations, some holidays. I can't commit for every week learning for such long time

So I decided to look what we have in online world.
I have heard about the experience of some people learning English through the Skype and decided to check this possibility

I did several days research and found that for 5-20$ per 60 minutes it is possible to find a Native speaking teacher.

I would like to share the site where I have registered and started to take lessons

Currently I am taking my 5th online lesson with Native speaking English teacher and for 8$ per hour it seems pretty well.

I do such lesson once a week and don't need to commit for every week online meeting.

I'll be glad to get feedback about this site and recommendations for others as well.

Good luck with it!

J :)


  1. Hi J! Congratulations on your decision to learn English online! I am an online English teacher ( and just want to say that learning online can be very convenient and fun too! Keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Sabrina
      Thank you for the encouraging.
      Do you have tips for online learning?
      or how to choose the most suitable online teacher?
